Little Journeys

Is the Fire Still Burning?

I've known since the beginning of summer that next month I will be speaking at the "Catch the Spark" weekend sponsored by the Stickley Museum at Craftsman Farms. This two-day event on October 15-16 will serve as the grand finale for the year-long…

Grandfathers and Quarterhorses

My second go-round as a cowboy ended Saturday morning. My first began as a child when my mother, herself a local horse show queen, perched me atop my grandfather's palomino quarterhorse for a photograph with him. Both were caught looking…

And all the King’s horses….

In 1978, after a brief teaching career and a summer spent running the West Branch Times, I opened Knock On Wood Antique Repair & Restoration in Iowa City. Within a few years I had added a floor refinishing service and had accumulated more…

From The Grove Park Inn to Boston and East Aurora

In 1986, when I began planning the first Arts & Crafts Conference at the Grove Park Inn, there were just a handful of antiques dealers who specialized in Stickley furniture, Roycroft and Heintz metalware, and Grueby, Rookwood and Teco…

Looking Back – Twenty-Five Years or So

It was 25 years ago when I first set foot inside the Grove Park inn. Though listed on the National Register of Historic Places, back then the Inn wasn't that well known outside the South. Nor was Asheville. I was fresh from the Midwest,…

Tales of the Bizarre – Arts & Crafts Style

One of the benefits of doing research is coming across all sorts of unusual (or is it 'useless' ?) information about the Arts & Crafts pioneers we often place on pedestals. But one of the advantages of having this website is that we can…

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