Little Journeys

Finding Frank

My swing through the Midwest last week included, for the first time in several years, a day spent strolling the tree-lined streets of Oak Park, Illinois, best known as the site of the home and studio of Frank Lloyd Wright. Originally a small…

Where’s Martha?

It all started with a phone call last month and a simple question: “Bruce, would you like to appear on The Martha Stewart Show?” Now, don’t get me wrong when I say that I was not overwhelmed by the question, for I am no prima donna.…

Milking Cows, Taking Walks And Getting Excited

Grant Wood once said, "My best ideas have always come to me while milking a cow." The Iowa artist undoubtedly was playing the "Aw, shucks" card for the benefit of a local newspaper reporter, for I doubt if he had milked a cow the morning he…

What Makes It Worthwhile For You?

I returned to the Grove Park Inn not once, but three times last week, each time to attend an event I had nothing to do with. I agreed to do so reluctantly, for after spending a week inside that wonderful Arts & Crafts hotel and seeing it…

Spreading the Word – Arts & Crafts Style

Those of us who have been Arts & Crafts collectors for even a brief period of time have come to enjoy and appreciate a number of Arts & Crafts resources, from magazines such as "Style 1900," "American Bungalow" and "Arts & Crafts…

Experiences We Can’t Afford to Miss

Dear Readers - I am on the road this week, so I took this opportunity to print a letter from one of our readers who, while not a dyed-in-the-wool Arts & Crafts collector, attended last week's Grove Park Inn Arts & Crafts Conference.…

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