Little Journeys

Sometimes I Sits and Thinks, Other Times I Just Sits

I was sitting yesterday, as I often do, and thinking, as I sometimes do, about how we decide what we collect. What draws us, among the tens of thousands of items we might see at an antiques show, a museum or a gallery, to one particular piece?…

“No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.”

Despite the fact that I love using this line, I'm far more inspired by what has become my favorite bumper sticker: "Practice random acts of kindness." People have done so much for me over the years, most of whom I never properly thanked, that…

“Look Closely and You Will Find It”

Washington has never claimed to be the birthplace of the Arts & Crafts movement, nor did the Arts & Crafts movement ever play a pivotal role in the development of our capital city, a city dominated by stately statues and seemingly…

Adding On Yet Another Room — To Our Website

Ever since I started working on this website late last year, I have always compared it to building a house. You start with the basics - foundation, framing, wiring, plumbing - then you quickly begin adding on new rooms. Some you use every…

One City, Two Shows: A Study In Contrasts

It happened in Asheville, but it could just as easily have been near you. This past weekend two long-standing shows came to town: the indoor 64th annual Asheville Antiques Fair and the outdoor 38th Village Art and Craft Fair. I attended each,…

“I’d Rather Be a Hammer Than a Nail….”

I spent most of my weekend doing two things: building an addition to my barn and stewing over an email a friend sent me last Friday. The barn addition was easy. When I moved here ten years ago I found a good-sized, three-sided, metal roof building…

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