Little Journeys

One Foot in the Past

After close analysis, I am convinced that William Morris always kept one foot firmly planted in the Victorian style, just in case this new Arts and Crafts thing didn’t quite work out as he had hoped. In a slightly different manner, I’m…

From Coast to Coast

After a hot, dry summer, with any luck September soon will be bringing us cooler temperatures and some replenishing showers. What we don’t need luck to know, however, is that September means making plans for three upcoming Arts and Crafts…

Going High-Touch

As every parent knows, when it comes to raising your children, life is a crap-shoot. You can read to them when they’re young, be involved with them throughout school, and stay in touch with them after high school graduation, but when it…

September Musings

Like myself, I suspect you have turned the page on the calendar this week and faced the realization that summer is over. Here in the office, the first of September marks the end of our “steady, but not rushed” work on preparations for…

Trying to Make Sense of It

I love museums, but sometimes I simply cannot understand them. More than two decades ago I stepped into a modest Iowa art museum, where I discovered a small room totally dedicated to the nineteen lithographs their native son Grant Wood had…

Removing All Doubt

Mark Twain is often credited with having warned, “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” While you might think this is an opening line to a political commentary, rest assured,…

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