Little Journeys

Tales of the Bizarre – Arts & Crafts Style

One of the benefits of doing research is coming across all sorts of unusual (or is it 'useless' ?) information about the Arts & Crafts pioneers we often place on pedestals. But one of the advantages of having this website is that we can…

Dead Trees and Downy Woodpeckers

I have a thing about dead trees. As someone who owns five chain saws, two of which I bought myself, the third was a gift from the Grove Park Inn (that's a story for another time), the fourth was left behind by a renter who skipped out in…

“I Have One Just Like It, Except…”

I stepped onto our deck a few minutes before noon on Sunday morning and announced to Leigh Ann that a Gustav Stickley library table had just sold for $396,500. She looked up from her most recent issue of "Garden & Gun." "Was it like one…

Three Days, Three Cities

Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Seattle. Temple Square, Castro Street, Pike Place Market. Each formerly a haven for social outcasts, each now a popular tourist attraction. And with just a few hours between appearances and airport security…

“What will the neighbors think?”

I grew up in town so small that, in the words of Garrison Keillor, "you didn’t need to use your turn signal, 'cause everyone knew where you were going." Our neighbors were part of our extended family, people with whom you celebrated birthdays,…

Making Sacrifices

It was something of a Presidential weekend. I tagged along with Leigh Ann to Washington, DC this past weekend for one of her veterinary conferences to meet her required number of Continuing Education credits for the year. We made it an old-fashioned…

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