Wet Weather Could Not Deter A&C Collectors in Chicago

The weather may not have cooperated, but it takes more than a little rain and some cool weather to keep Arts & Crafts collectors away from a great show.

This past weekend both Arts & Crafts antiques dealers and contemporary craftsfirms combined to offer Chicago-area collectors with one of the finest offerings at the 6th annual Chicago Arts & Crafts Show produced by Cam Quintal and Brian Smith of Eastwood Gallery in St. Paul. The show was held at Concordia University in River Forest, Illinois.

We polled some of the exhibitors who attended this year’s show to ask how it went for them:

Phil and Kathy Taylor (http://www.philtaylorantiques.com) – Unseasonably cool and wet weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of attendees at the 6th annual Arts & Crafts Chicago show. We thought there was a very good turnout and we were pleased to see so many familiar customers.

On Saturday we experienced a steady flow of attentive shoppers that resulted in an up-tick in sales from the previous year. Some of the items we sold included several smaller stand tables, footstools, benches, dining room furniture and a Lifetime library table.

Kudos to Cam and Brian for their efforts in putting on a high quality show. Many people commented to us how much they appreciated a show of this caliber.

Craig McIlwain (cmoremac@aol.com) – I sold a Gustav Stickley dropfront desk model # 729 (with five drawers it’s the largest dropfront he made) in a fine original finish. I also sold an L. & J.G. Stickley model #99 chest of drawers in fine original finish, a good Prairie School lamp for $1800, a refinished Lifetime 54″ sideboard (very chunky with good hardware and exposed tenons) and all of my good stools.

I did not sell any seating pieces, despite having some really nice large Morris chairs, large rockers and a good L. & J.G. Stickley day bed, all done in high quality leather. It’s been my recent experience that seating seems to be slow, while good case pieces are hot.

Dard Hunter (http://www.dardhunter.com) – The show was a great success for us. The rain and cold weather did not stop these dedicated Arts & Crafts enthusiasts from attending. About 75% of our sales were from new customers who had not purchased from us before. Many were looking for something unique to purchase and were drawn to some of our higher end items, which was a very welcome change in attitude from the past few years. We look forward to returning next year.

Door Pottery – Our collectors showed up at the show early and came back several times to buy. Many of my customers buy everything from pottery to furniture, and because of this they really take their time sometimes both days to shop

As soon as dates are announced for the 7th annual Chicago Arts & Crafts Show, we will post them here.

Eastwood Gallery will be hosting the 12th annual Twin Cities Arts & Crafts Show on September 24th and 25th at the Minnesota State Fair Grounds in St. Paul.

For more information, go to http://www.twincitiesartsandcraftsshow.com.

Photos – (top) The booths of Turn of the Century Publications/Parchment Press and the Craftsman Farms Foundation. (lower) Dard Hunter’s booth at the show.