Workshops & Rooms Filling at Grove Park Inn
The Grove Park Inn Arts and Crafts Conference always strives to provide you with all three: seminars to get you thinking, great pieces in our Antiques & Contemporary Craftsfirms show to get your heart beat racing, and workshops to keep your hands busy.
Like our daily Small Group Discussions, we purposely limit the number of people in each Pre-Conference Workshop so that you are sure to have an exciting, personal learning experience and to get a great deal of the instructor’s attention. The workshops have proven to be so popular that we repeat some each year, as well as add new classes as space permits.
Frank Glapa’s Coppersmithing class is in its second year, and has only two spots left. For those of you who yearn to lift a coppersmithing hammer (which you also get to take home) and brush up on your repousse skills, give us a call. ($190)
Got a Landscaping problem in your yard? Twelve of you will have the opportunity to sit down on Friday morning with television star, seminar speaker and author Paul Duchscherer (Outside the Bungalow), who will study the photographs and layout you bring of your yard challenge, and will help you come up with a solution sensitive to the ideals of the Arts and Crafts movement. Unfortunately, Paul’s workshop is already full but we have a waiting list for the few instances where folks have a change of plans and room is made. So go ahead and call us to reserve your spot on that list. ($90)
Always wondered how our Contemporary Craftsfirms are able to duplicate an Arts and Crafts finish on their furniture? Craftsman, restoration expert, teacher and columnist Dennis Bertucci will show you on Thursday afternoon how to work with dyes, then on Friday morning will follow with a session on clear finishes. All will be done by you on your personal quartersawn oak frame designed to fit your free conference poster. ($150)
Those with nimble fingers who appreciate the texture and decoration of Arts and Crafts linens should consider taking Ann Chaves’ Basic Textile Embroidery workshop on Friday. Ann is comfortable working with students at every skill level, from the complete novice to the experienced seamstress. ($130)
Printmaker and artist Laura Wilder is returning this year with a two-session Printmaking class. On Thursday afternoon you will carve your linoleum block using one of her designs (or your own!) and print the first color of your notecard. You will return on Friday morning to print the second color on your cards. Just like the other classes, Laura will provide all the materials you need. Hurry and call to reserve your spot today as there is only one more spot open. ($190)
Also, as of today, rooms for the special Arts and Crafts Weekend Package (room, breakfasts and seminar passes for two nights, two people ($728); two nights, one person ($519) are still available. For reservations, call (828) 252-2711.
For complete information on the Pre-Conference Workshops, go to or call Bruce Johnson’s office at (828) 628-1915.