Top 10 Questions About the Conference

With the 30th National Arts and Crafts Conference now just a few weeks away, I’m not headed far from the office phone, so I thought this would be a good time to answer some of the more common questions we have been getting here:

Is the Grove Park Inn sold out?

Yes, but the Conference is not. We can seat more people than the hotel can sleep, so you can still book your three-day Conference Events Pass for $150 through our office at (828) 628-1915.

I already have a reservation, so do I need to do anything else?

Regardless where I stay when traveling, I always call the hotel in advance just to make sure they have my arrival and departure dates correct. For the GPI you can call either (800) 438-5800 or (828) 252-2711 to ask about your existing reservation.

What other hotel do you recommend?

Being a growing tourist destination, nearly all of the major lodging chains are represented in Asheville, but we do have a block of rooms set aside at the Renaissance Asheville downtown. Their local number is 828-210-3009 , and request a room for the Arts and Crafts Conference. The rate is $149.

What is the parking situation at the Grove Park Inn?

The hotel gives us free outdoor parking all week, as well as three free hours of indoor garage parking. If you are staying elsewhere, I still recommend taking a cab right to the front door to avoid walking from one of the further lots.

What is the “dress code?”

Business casual.

Are reservations needed for meals at the Grove Park Inn?

For dinner during peak hours, yes.

Do we need to sign up for the daily Small Group Discussions?

No. When you arrive you will receive a free copy of the Conference Catalog, which contains lists of topics, days, times and meeting rooms. Some are very popular, so arrive early!

Are the pre-conference workshops sold out?

Of the six Thursday afternoon and Friday morning sessions, one is sold out and the others are getting closer by the day, so call our office at (828) 628-1915 to see.

Do all the exhibitors in the shows accept credit cards?

Not every one, so you should always bring your checkbook in case that special piece you have been looking for is in a booth where you need to write a check.

Can I bring a piece from home to show one of the exhibitors?

Not inside the exhibition rooms. In addition to both my staff and a security guard at the door, we have strict rules to prevent shoplifting, including showing a receipt for anything you purchase. Trying to leave with something you brought in is going to cause a major problem. If you make arrangements in advance, you can meet an exhibitor in the Great Hall to discuss it.

Still have a question?

The agenda and other information can be found at or by calling us at (828) 628-1915 or emailing at


Until next Monday,

It only happens once a year.
