Sikes Chair Company

Sikes Chair Company

Maker: Furniture

Year: 1859 - 1956


Notes: In 1859 the company was established and operated as S.D. Sikes & Brother for 15 years at 500 Clinton Street, Buffalo, NY. In 1875 the Buffalo Chair Company, a subsidiary of Edwin Sikes & Co, was founded. From 1904-1906 Sikes Chair Company moved to Philadelphia, PA, and operated there for several years. In 1916 Sikes Chair Company resumed operations in Buffalo, NY. Buffalo Chair Company went out of business in 1919. In 1930 The Sikes Chair Company bought the Cutler Desk Company to become the Sikes-Cutler Desk Corporation. The Sikes Chair Company was bankrupted in the Great Depression. No furniture was made from 1929-1933. By 1933, the economy was entering a growth spurt and The Sikes Company continued the manufacture of fine furniture until 1956.