Collector’s Guide

An Introduction to

Everyone, we've made a new friend here at the National Arts and Crafts Conference. I don't know if it's the warm, mountain air we're breathing in here in Asheville or if it's just that everyone here is so nice (probably a little of both) but…

A Fabulous New Jewelry & Metalware Book

You would be hard pressed to find any book on the Arts and Crafts movement that I do not enjoy, but when my wife settles into our couch on a sunny Saturday afternoon and doesn't do anything for three hours but read passages aloud, exclaim over…

The Newcomb Pottery Enterprise

Women, Art and Social Change: The Newcomb Pottery Enterprise, currently on view at the Woldenberg Art Center at Tulane University, New Orleans is a portal to a changing period of American history. As a testament to the breadth of work covered…

Workshops & Rooms Filling at Grove Park Inn

For those of you who will be arriving at the Grove Park Inn on Thursday, you still have the opportunity to practice what we preach: the Arts and Crafts philosophy of Head, Heart and Hand. The Grove Park Inn Arts and Crafts Conference always…

Blackwell: A Gem of the British A&C Movement Pt. 2

If you're just tuning in, you may have missed Part One of this incredible travel log by artist and printmaker Julie Leidel. Check it out and then continue reading below for a tour of the inside of this Arts & Crafts gem. Today, Blackwell…

Blackwell: A Gem of the British Arts & Crafts Movement

Article and photos by Julie Leidel of The Bungalow Craft My love affair with the British Arts & Crafts Movement was ignited again this past fall. The term “bucket list” comes close, but this trip was a once-in-a-lifetime trip for my…

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