Little Journeys

Copper Hits $92,000 a Pound

The recession is officially over -- at least for two Roycroft collectors. You've heard the saying "Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door." Well, "Find a better piece of Roycroft and collectors will beat a path…

The Traveling Drink Coaster

There is a famous story in the world of advertising which often goes something like this: A reporter once asked the president of Coca-Cola why, with such a large market share and a successful line of products, his company continues to spend…

Making Connections: On Line and In Person

Several years ago, it must have been around 1995, a friend recommended that I create a website for the annual Grove Park Inn Arts & Crafts Conference. My reply: "Arts & Crafts collectors won't use websites." Duh. Two recent experiences…

Each Journey Leads To a New Discovery

My latest little journey took me down to Shreveport, Louisiana, this past week. From my hotel room overlooking the Red River, which on this particular day was dark brown and in a rush to get to New Orleans, I could see four bridges: two sleek…

Goodbyes Are Always the Hardest

I don’t think it really hit me until last night. My wife and I were taking her parents out to dinner in downtown Asheville for Mother’s Day when Sarah, whom many of you know as the laughing voice and friendly face at the registration desk…

Staying Out Of Trouble – At Home Depot

I painted my barn on Saturday, which is no big deal, other than afterwards I discovered how far paint can travel coming out of an airless paint sprayer pumped up to 2400 pounds of pressure. Inside and out, everything within six feet of my barn,…

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