Little Journeys

The Education of an Arts & Crafts Collector – GPI Style

As you know from following my daily posts this past week, my latest Little Journey has taken me to the Grove Park Inn, that magnificent Arts & Crafts hotel and resort cemented into the side of Sunset Mountain overlooking Asheville, North…

Coming Clean: Time for A True (?) Confession

I have a confession to make: I have broken the Historian's Oath. I have written a novel. First, a little background. I had tried twice before to write a novel. The first was when I was just 24 and a second-year English teacher. Lasted two…

If Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far Behind?

We got a brief reminder this past weekend of what Spring will be like, and we drank it in deeply, like a silky glass of rich, red wine. The sun came out, the thermometer flirted with fifty degrees, a flock of robins congregated in the hay…

A Mystical Evening at the Grove Park Inn

It was one of those rare evenings that you swear could never be repeated – then was. In 1932 twenty-year-old Edgar Tafel stepped off the train in Spring Green, Wisconsin, and stepped into the world of Frank Lloyd Wright. Among the first…

Heart, Heart and Hand

My latest little journey did not take me far from home. Last week I made a trip over to Gennett Lumber, located in the old warehouse and railroad district next to the French Broad River flowing north through Asheville. I was headed there to…

Buy, Sell or Hold?

After my good friend Robert Hause sent me the photographs of the Karl Kipp stamp box which first appeared last week in our Collector's Guide, he emailed me back to let me know he had had several offers to buy it. Robert, who is a talented woodworker…

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