Little Journeys

Coming Back Down to Earth

I actually thought about skipping this Monday’s Little Journey, figuring that seven daily blogs over the course of the past week of the 29th National Arts and Crafts Conference would suffice, but after making another trip back up to the…

Sunday: Conference Week

Part Six of a Seven Day Series It’s going to be a short column today, as we are on the final countdown now to our four o’clock load out. What took us three days to bring in and set up will all be taken down, loaded into trucks, and driven…

Saturday: Conference Week

Friday is always the day in which the conference hangs in balance. We spend months planning and preparing everything from booths to audio visual equipment, display cases to name badges, speakers to workshop leaders, and special exhibits to…

Thursday: Conference Week

Part Four of a Seven Day Series Wednesday is always hold my breath day. We spend eleven months making lists, creating floorplans, placing display cases, counting tables, sorting pegboards, ordering signs, and getting ready for the next National…

Friday: Conference Week

Part Five of a Seven Day Series Best Quote of the Day: “How do you eat an elephant?” “One bite at a time.” Yesterday we took a big bite out of the elephant with a load-in of the exhibitors that went far more smoothly than I had…

Wednesday: Conference Week

Part Three In a Seven Day Series Each conference always brings its own peculiar set of challenges, especially mid-week. One year the wrong size of display cases arrived from New Jersey. Last year an early morning layer of ice prevented our…

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