There’s Something in a Name…
When my friend Robert Hause, a combination skilled woodworker and antiques dealer who owns Art of the Craft in Wilmington, N.C., called me the other morning, the subject turned, as it invariably does, to furniture. And for whatever reason,…
Sharing Stories
After spending a week rebuilding an old boathouse deck, which provided fodder for last week's column, I spent this week in my office, working on the 88-page catalog for next February's 29th National Arts and Crafts Conference at the Grove…
Making a Late Resolution
Over the course of time we all gradually learn things about ourselves. I have come to realize that I actually look forward to Monday mornings, for they represents a fresh week of new opportunities. I also don't mind deadlines, as they force…
Strength in Numbers
"Together we grow stronger."
It's a phrase you have read at the close of this column dozens of times, but never has it been so aptly illustrated as it was last Saturday evening at the annual gala in support of the Stickley Museum at Craftsman…
Looking Forward to the Grove Park Inn
Leigh Ann and I live on a small farm seven miles southeast of Asheville, where I spend a part of many afternoons wrestling with Mother Nature over who gets control of how much of our steep hillsides and thicket-encrusted creek banks. We love…
About Us is a website dedicated to exploring the works, artisans, historical origins and the contemporary revival of the American Arts & Crafts Movement. The historic movement started as a response to the country’s Industrial Revolution and encouraged simple design paying tribute to the natural world over the intricate design of the Victorian era.