Little Journeys

It’s Not Just About Christmas, You Know…

Each year at this time for the past 26 years I have made a resolution that next year I would not be struggling to get the Pre-Conference Packet printed, stuffed, stamped, and mailed while at the same time finishing the 88-page Arts and Crafts…

Why a Conference Catalog?

For the past 27 years, the month of December and the holidays in and around it have always had to share time with the Arts and Crafts Conference Catalog, as the deadline for all of the agendas, articles, and advertisements falls in this month…

The Kitchen Remodeling Saga Continues…

The furthest I ventured this week was to my workshop, in anticipation of the final stage in our on-going kitchen remodeling project. We began planning this project five years ago, but were immediately stymied by two obstacles, beginning with…

Ideas For an Arts & Crafts Holiday

Okay, so we survived Thanksgiving, but, then, just how hard can it be to spend four days eating turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberries, and pumpkin pie? The big challenge is yet to come: Hanukah and Christmas. And,…

A Man and His Machines

It was a short journey down the twelve steps from my second floor office to my garage workshop this weekend, where I was refinishing five oak stairs treads I had just pried loose from our split-level landing, but it took me halfway across…

Preparing For Another Little Journey

I didn't really go anywhere this week, which is probably a good thing, given the fact that it is November and the National Arts and Crafts Conference is now only three months away. Unless, of course, you count two trips up to the Grove Park…

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