Little Journeys

Changing Times

  What a difference a few decades can make.   Soon after the Grove Park Inn opened on July 12, 1913, general manager Frederick L. Seely printed a string-bound, informational brochure intended to entice people across the country…

Sharing Our Passions

Please see the bottom of the page for a link to the event schedule for the National Arts and Crafts Conference   Regardless whether it was after the fifth, the fifteenth, or the twenty-fifth annual National Arts and Crafts Conference,…

Changing Traditions

  One of the behind-the-scenes traditions we honor each year at the National Arts and Crafts Conference are the two exhibitor meetings I hold late on Thursday afternoon prior to the opening of the shows on Friday. By that time nearly all…

A Fortunate Find

  It has often been laughed that no good deed goes unpunished. Fortunately, enough good deeds do go as planned to keep us helping others.     Our Asheville Preservation Society has its office in a small Arts and Crafts…

Grizzled Old Men

  It has often been said we learn best that which we teach. I have been reminded of that in recent days as I have been preparing two Power Point seminars we will release in February in conjunction with our virtual 34th National Arts and…

Fall Memories

  November always brings back memories of my grandfather, Myron Hickok. From the time I was sixteen until I was twenty-six, I spent nearly every Thanksgiving break working beside him on his farm back in Illinois. November has always been…

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