Little Journeys

The Certainty of Uncertainty

by Bruce Johnson   As you well know, we were fortunate to have been able to celebrate the 33rd National Arts and Crafts Conference at the Grove Park Inn last February, just before the Covid-19 pandemic changed all of our lives. Nevertheless,…

Arts and Crafts Therapy

    Elbert Hubbard once advised: “Work your grief into art -- and it is gone.”   I modified it into my own motto: “Work your frustration into a project -- and it is gone.”   Like yourself, the Covid-19 restrictions…

Searching For Solutions

  For the past 33 years, the National Arts and Crafts Conference at the Grove Park Inn has been a major part of my life. My oldest son was born just three months after the inaugural Arts and Crafts Conference, and my youngest the month…

A Love Affair With Chairs   

  Sometimes it’s the smallest comment that sticks with you the longest. My brother, who lives in Illinois, came to visit this past summer. When he stepped into our two-story ranch house, he slowly surveyed our rooms before announcing,…

Falling Into a Black Hole of Projects

This week, Bruce has plenty of projects to keep him busy, so we're pulling this Little Journeys out of the archive as a reminder of how projects can stack up in our quest for a simpler life. See the irony? Enjoy this gem first published in July…

From Hemingway to Arts and Crafts

This article has been republished. Original date of publication: May 14th, 2018.   “I have a good life, but I must write because if I do not write a certain amount, I do not enjoy the rest of my life.”     That is an Ernest…

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