Little Journeys

The Charms of Art Pottery

  My first Arts and Crafts love was oak furniture, in part because I have always enjoyed discovering an abused piece, carefully taking it apart, repairing any broken elements, reassembling it, and applying a new, but appropriate finish.…

The Life of a Collector

  Each time I return from the 1913 Grove Park Inn and the annual National Arts and Crafts Conference, I sink back into my oak Morris chair and look around the room, feeling fortunate that I discovered Arts and Crafts for myself so many…

“Together We Grow Stronger”

  In lieu of a regular column this week, I decided to print a portion of my opening remarks delivered at the33rd National Arts and Crafts Conference on Friday, February 21.     I can’t help but get a little nostalgic each…

Getting Ready for the Big Show

  We are now in the midst of the 33rd National Arts and Crafts Conference, taking place as it always has at the iconic 1913 Grove Park Inn Resort built on the western slope of Sunset Mountain overlooking Asheville, North Carolina.     The…

Looking Out for Ed

  With the 33rd National Arts and Crafts Conference now just a week away, I have been making regular trips up Sunset Mountain to the iconic 1913 Grove Park Inn. Sometimes I’m checking the measurements of a ceiling, looking to see what…

Our Inner Fire

  With the 33rd National Arts and Crafts Conference now two weeks away, it’s not unusual for me to get a phone call from a reporter wanting some additional information on the conference and the three daily shows. Thirty-three years…

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