Little Journeys

A Trip Back to Craftsman Farms

  If your 1,854-mile driving trip starts with you breaking a bottle of wine on the floor of the car as you are heading down your driveway, you might think that would be a bad omen. But not to worry: we had three more bottles. Each of…

Supporting A Good Cause

      This is actually a pre-journey column, as I am writing it as we are preparing to go up to the Stickley Museum at Craftsman Farms for their annual Stickley Weekend and Gala. Despite the 700 miles which separate us,…

Gala Season

  In our rather sedate lifestyle here on our small farm outside Asheville, attending two black-tie galas within three weeks of each other is not a typical occurrence. More often, as I am getting into the car or my truck, Leigh Ann looks…

Media Matters

  One of the topics for discussion that is always taking place here in the office revolves around the ever-changing face of the media, as we have always depended on it to spread the word of our National Arts and Crafts Conference held…

Overbeck Pottery: One Talented Family

  Sometimes the most fascinating little journeys don’t even require a plane ticket or a set of car keys. I took one this morning that didn’t even require me getting out of my chair or closing my laptop. I have been working most mornings…

When In Doubt, Add a Corbel

  Rest assured, this will be my final column on our deck roof, Leigh Ann’s three new flower gardens, and the granite flagstone path we added to front of our 1972 ranch house. In truth, I thought our project was done last week when I…

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