Little Journeys

The Printed Poster: An Arts & Crafts Tradition

While furniture and art pottery often steal the show, we cannot forget that the Arts and Crafts movement in America was launched in 1895 at a printing press inside Elbert Hubbard's drafty barn in East Aurora, where it was really, really cold…

The Roycroft Campus in 1986

As word came down from East Aurora that Christine Peters is stepping down from her post as executive director of the Roycroft Campus Corporation, I could not help but think back to my first journey to the Roycroft Campus in 1986. Compared…

Asheville: A City of Many Biltmores

While there is only one iconic Grove Park Inn, Asheville has a plethora of both contemporary and historic sites linked to the name Biltmore. As you are planning your journey to Asheville for the national Arts and Crafts Conference and Shows…

It’s Not Just About Christmas, You Know…

Each year at this time for the past 26 years I have made a resolution that next year I would not be struggling to get the Pre-Conference Packet printed, stuffed, stamped, and mailed while at the same time finishing the 88-page Arts and Crafts…

Why a Conference Catalog?

For the past 27 years, the month of December and the holidays in and around it have always had to share time with the Arts and Crafts Conference Catalog, as the deadline for all of the agendas, articles, and advertisements falls in this month…

The Kitchen Remodeling Saga Continues…

The furthest I ventured this week was to my workshop, in anticipation of the final stage in our on-going kitchen remodeling project. We began planning this project five years ago, but were immediately stymied by two obstacles, beginning with…

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