Little Journeys

A Tribute to a Friend

  If it is a rarity to have been a pioneer in one field, then what words do you use to describe someone who had such vision, energy, and foresight to have been a pioneer in three completely different fields of study?     Those…

A Family Affair

  This week’s Collector’s Guide down below is one we pulled from our archives, as it deals with Arts and Crafts antiques which once had been inside the 1913 Grove Park Inn. Thinking about it brought back memories of some of my first…

Silent Auction Fever: Catch It!

  Each year about this time we get a phone call from someone wanting to know if it is too early to sign up for next month’s National Arts and Crafts Conference. Little do they know that around here, working on the Arts and Crafts Conference…

Arts and Crafts Nostalgia

  If you can’t handle a little nostalgia, then you might want to click over to one of your favorite YouTube videos. Last year, a Japanese boy band got 74,600,000 views. Today, nobody cares who they are. Fame is fleeting. As you are…

An Arts and Crafts Silver Spoon In His Mouth

  When my oldest son Eric was born in 1988, we received a small package from my dear friend Emyl Jenkins, an antiques appraiser and author then living in Raleigh. We had met through a mutual friend, George Viall, who also introduced me…

Wooden Wisdom

  Here on the farm, there are annual rituals which accompany the changing of the seasons. Winter requires occasional snow removal from our long, uphill driveway. Spring means the first mowing of the year and repairing fence boards damaged…

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