The Famous – And Elusive – “GPI Chair”
With the National Arts & Crafts Conference coming up in one month, I thought this Collector's Guide article would be relevant to those readers with an eye for the furniture we love so much at the Conference. By the way, make sure…
Two Red Roses Foundation Acquires Rare Wright Chairs
Rudy Ciccarello of the Two Red Roses Foundation of Palm Harbor, Florida, recently announced the acquisition of four extremely rare and iconic high-back dining room chairs designed by renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959).…
Antiques Show Etiquette for Buyers & Sellers
Around this time each year, we like to post a handy "Dos and Don'ts" for both buyers and sellers at Antiques & Contemporary Craftsfirms shows. 'Tis the season now that shows are picking up headed into Spring and Summer and with…
Push Button Morris Chairs: The Pre-Cursor to the Recliner
by Bruce Johnson
While the Morris chair has emerged as an iconic symbol of the furniture of the Arts and Crafts movement, its history began a few decades earlier and lasts even until today. While William Morris is credited,…
Conference Closeup: Conference Poster Artist and Exhibitor Keith Rust
by Kate Nixon
The annual poster for the National Arts & Crafts Conference at the Omni Grove Park Inn has become a collectible for fans of the annual event in February as well as collectors of the Arts and Crafts era from all over…
About Us is a website dedicated to exploring the works, artisans, historical origins and the contemporary revival of the American Arts & Crafts Movement. The historic movement started as a response to the country’s Industrial Revolution and encouraged simple design paying tribute to the natural world over the intricate design of the Victorian era.