Little Journeys

Another Summer, Another Major Project

by Bruce Johnson   As some of you may recall, last summer Leigh Ann and I started a three-month remodeling project, gutting the entire lower level of our 1972 ranch house and rearranging rooms, walls, and doors. Once again I served as…

Antique Story: Can We Give Antique Stores A Second Chance?

by Kate Nixon (This week, Bruce and I are switching places. After a discussion we had on antique stores, Bruce decided to write about reviving a old shop project he found in an antique store and after seeing a popular movie, I'm writing about…

Saying Goodbye to Kirby Brown

(this week, we're giving this space to California Historical Design owner Gus Bostrom for his tribute to his colleague and friend, Kirby Brown)   by Gus Bostrom   About the time I opened my Berkeley, CA gallery in 2004, California…

Dandelion Wine: Summer Caught and Stoppered

  It started out innocently enough, as most Saturdays in June do. It was 1978 and I had seen a notice in the Iowa City Press-Citizen of an estate auction to be held on site, which is always more enjoyable than being crammed into a long,…

A Message of Honesty and Joy: a Q&A with David Cathers

by Kate Nixon   (Since Bruce is hard at work on Conference matters, we've giving the spotlight to David Cathers, guest curator of the upcoming exhibition "The American Arts and Crafts Chair: A Message of Honesty and Joy" to talk about…

Sentimental for Cemeteries

  I have a thing for cemeteries. Not a ghoulish, midnight on Halloween obsession, but more like a combination of historical research mixed with a curiosity about the inhabitants of those small plots of landscape.   As a small child,…

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