Little Journeys

Penelope Cloutier Passes Away

It isn’t often in the Arts and Crafts world that someone is known simply by their first name, but anyone who had the good fortune to know Penelope Clourtier immediately understood why to her friends she was always “Penelope.” And our…

Coming Up For Air

Boy, has this week slipped by fast. It is already Thursday and I am just now writing my column and sending out the weekly blast. To catch up on what happened at the end of the conference, it took until the wee hours of Monday morning to get…

Conference Report: Sunday Morning

As I explained to our seminar crowd gathered in the Grand Ballroom last night, in the early years of the National Arts and Crafts Conference, we always had a seminar scheduled for Saturday evening, but as more people elected to leave the Grove…

Conference Update: Saturday

After thirty years, who would have thought we could have set yet another attendance record? Especially in an era when antiques shows are struggling to stay alive. As I mentioned several times this past year, I was worried that after our record-breaking…

Conference Update: Friday

Thursday was exhibitor load-in day, and for many the first opportunity to see Arts and Crafts friends they only encounter at the Grove Park Inn. But as Don Treadway said when he stepped into the Grand Ballroom, “It’s like I never left.” It’s…

Conference Update: Thursday

If you had walked into the Grand Ballroom at the Grove Park Inn yesterday, you would have seen several of us walking around with large paper floor plans, for some things just don’t fit on a computer screen. Over the course of the past year…

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